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Download Cocos2dx For Mac


Download Cocos2dx For Mac Free

I am following this tutorial to install cocos2d on a mac with eclipse. I get as far as installing the ndk and I get the following error below when I try and execute ndk-build. I have set my paths correctly so im not sure why this is happening. Can anyone help me? Thanks Davids-iMac:android-ndk-r8b davidcavanagh$ sh ndk-build Android NDK: Your APPBUILDSCRIPT points to an unknown file: /Documents/Development/android-ndk-r8b/jni/Android.mk /Users/davidcavanagh/Documents/Development/android-ndk-r8b/build/core/add- application.mk:133:.

Download Cocos2dx For Mac Windows 10

Download Cocos2dx For Mac

Android NDK: Aborting.